This page shows you effective ways to advertise your links from the
"Topaz Automatic Profit System"

You should advertise your links in as many of these avenues as you can.
Many of them are free, and all of them are effective. 

There's really only three primary things you need to keep in mind which are ... (1) Who is the audience for my audience, (2) What is this audience looking for?, and (3) What are the benefits my product offers to this audience (which is mostly important when you are writing your own ads).

     Generate Links      Example Ads      Advertising Resources    Topaz Links   More Advertising Resources

A Brief Tutorial On Advertising

For example, item #4 below ("Advertise to 5000 daily"), the audience is primarily interested in making money and advertising their own products & services. So, the best ads to this audience are things like "how to make money and get advertising at the same time" ... which is exactly what Topaz offers. Then throw in the features of TAPS to help people get referrals, build income, & simultaneously save money ... and you have a powerful offer for the audience of technique #4.

Here's another example ... On WomVegas (e.g., advertising in their chat rooms, text ads, banner ads, etc.), their audience consists of 3 primary audiences ... (1) people already in WomVegas, (2) offline businesses looking for advertising or checking their results, (3) customers for offline businesses, and to a lessor extent (4) people considering joining WomVegas. In my analysis, this means advertising the Topaz service or City Promoter service on WomVegas is not all that productive. If people are already in WomVegas, they aren't going to join Topaz in your downline. You could pick up offline businesses by advertising Topaz on WomVegas, but most likely the offline business already has a WomVegas account if they are already listed on WomVegas (e.g., in the City Promoter sites). You might catch the eye of customers for offline businesses (but that's not why they are there), and you might get people browsing WomVegas who are not yet signed, but I'm not sure there are that many people browsing WomVegas who have not already signed up in WomVegas.

Finally, consider how many ads are already on WomVegas for Topaz and City Promoter ... this means your competition is HIGH & probability of success is LOW. So, it seems logical that advertising Topaz on WomVegas is not that effective. However, advertising the features of TAPS and the other products available (e.g., the Online Success program, the Internet Millionaire Internet Marketing course, your "Fast Profits System" [i.e., the "Free Money Machine"], and other products for online marketing, saving money, or helping offline businesses) could be quite profitable using Topaz advertising.

Example #3 ... Traffic Exchanges are most visited by people trying to market their own product, service, or MLM opportunity. They are there ... surfing ads ... to accumulate credits to get their own offer displayed on the exchange. Thus, the best things to market on Traffic Exchanges are things of high value to people trying to advertise stuff (e.g., free advertising resources, powerful advertising techniques, lead generation techniques, and easy ways to make extra money)... and since Traffic Exchanges typically only require people to be on a site for 8 to 12 seconds, a "splash page" ad or "low volume squeeze page" ad is usually best. A splash page just presents a quick eye-catching benefit in hopes the viewer will click through to your real offer page; a "low volume" squeeze page is a page that says a lot in just a few words & includes a form where the surfer can enter his or her name & email to get something valuable to them.

Thus, good things to advertise on traffic exchanges include the Online Success program, the WomVegas Viral Video ad offers (great for recruiting new WomVegas members), free advertising opportunities, WomVegas's free social marketing service, the "Earn $100/hour Biz2Biz" offer, etc. The idea here is to get people to join WomVegas & then expose them to the Topaz program ... or get them on your "Fast Profits System" email list (offering 21 free ways to make money) which exposes them to WomVegas, Online Success, and lots more. Check the TAPS Ads page; I will be adding splash pages designed for traffic exchanges to get click-throughs to your encoded TAPS home page.

Before we move on, here is a very brief tutorial on creating effective advertisements yourself ...

The most important part of any ad is the Headline. The headline must grab attention, create a burning desire to know more, and present the biggest benefit to your audience that your offer can deliver. The difference between a "feature" and a "benefit" is a feature is a fact about the product or service, whereas a benefit does something for your customer. The feature is usually an adjective whereas a benefit is a solution. A great way to determine benefits is to list all the features of your product (e.g., a pencil is yellow, is hexagonal in shape, has an eraser, can be sharpened, etc.) and then for each feature, write down "why that feature matters" (yellow makes it easy to find, the hexagonal shape keeps it from rolling off the table and makes it easy for small hands to hold, the eraser allows you to write quickly and then fix any mistakes, ability to sharpen means the pencil will keep writing for you for a long time).

The next portion of a typical ad will discuss more benefits followed by some kind of proof or logical explanation or justification. The more benefits you can offer (in the space you have available) and the more believable you can make them, the better.

The final important section of your ad is a "Call To Action". In other words, you need to tell your prospect what to do ... "Click here now ==>", "Click the link below", "Watch the free video", "Get your copy now", "Don't wait, buy your <product> before we run out", etc.

There is a whole science behind writing ads, but if you can include the 3 key components discussed above, success is in your future!

Generate Your Encoded Links On The TAPS Member Page:

Here are some example ads for each product:

Example Ads For All TAPS Products Are Available Here

1  When you joined TAPS, you joined the "TAPS Members Email List". Check the first email you received (after clicking the confirmation link) for access to the Online Success membership. This is a BIG part of your TAPS membership; make sure you receive it. If you missed joining the TAPS Members list when you joined TAPS, please contact me at

Example Squeeze Pages :

This section provides some example squeeze pages you can build for free on your Trafficwave account to get subscribers on your Fast Profits System email campaign. These are all good candidates to use as Landing Pages for your "5 Figure Daily" Free Lead Generation System too. You can import your free "Fast Profits System" campaign and learn how to build your squeeze pages here.


Set Your "Subscription" Landing Page To The Link Shown Below:

(IMPORTANT:  Replace "rbstoker" with your Clickbank username, "43936" with your WomVegas ID #, or "10523" with your ParadoxCash ID #) Russ Brunson IM Millionaire Link: WomVegas Viral Video Link: Million Leads For Free affiliate link: WomVegas "Get Paid To Rate Websites" Link: Your Paradox Cash Link: WomVegas Viral Video Link: WomVegas Classified Ads Link: You can get more ideas to build your own squeeze pages from this page. This squeeze page sells the Online Success campaign: You can also create a squeeze page specifically for getting leads to subscribe to your Fast Profits System campaign. This squeeze page will give you a few ideas.



You can also promote this encoded link to increase your sign-ups in your Free Lead Generation System:<Your_5FD_Page1_#>

When you log into your free Free Lead Generator system, the first screen will have a link that looks like this:  <== Copy the number shown in RED

Then tag this number on the end of your encoded link, like this:   <== Promote this link

Now, you can promote this link and get even more sign-ups in your Free Lead Generation System!

Advertise your links in each of the following services:

1. WomVegas Paid Classified Ads for Free.

2. 6 Quick Ways To Advertise for Free.

3. Advertise Banner Ads here for Free.

4. Advertise to 5000 People Daily for Free.

5. Advertise on 100+ Traffic Exchanges Free.

6.  Unlimited Ads + Future Income
: Enter banner ads where it says "Add Your Banners" & enter your links where it says "ROTATE YOUR WEBSITES"

7.  Submit your link & a short Tweet phrase for each link you want to promote (you generally only need to do this once per link you want advertised ... unless you occasionally want to change the Tweet phrase).  Now go to this page daily, click the link "Click here to start Tweeting", & submit BOTH Tweets. A good way to do this is to make this link one of your Home pages on your browser so it opens each time you go online. You may notice the first Tweet does not have a link & the second does; it's supposed to be that way.

8.  Get "Candace" ... your Free Personal Assistant to improve your WomVegas recruiting. Candace will automatically send out personalized emails to your customers, potential recruits, and downline when certain events occur. This automatically adds a nice, effective personal touch to your WomVegas system. Use this immediately. You may get an email response from time to time to ask a question or tell you something; be sure you respond to the email. If you get a question you can't answer, go to Coffee Shop chat room & ask for help. You will need to re-activate Candace at least every 7 days to keep her working for you. It's easy; it's effective; and it's free ... Turn on Candace now.

9.  Tim's Tweet Factory:  Use Tim's Tweet Factory to send Tweets about TAPS, Topaz, any of the WomVegas services and any other products you want to market on Twitter.

10.  Autopost Text Ads on WomVegas.

11.  Add your sites to be promoted by others on WomVegas. NOTE: All your ads are appropriate for this service.

I highly recommend you review and
Use the techniques here to build your Topaz referrals.

12.  Advertising & Marketing resources & techniques at Online Success member site.

13.  Here's an easy way to get more advertising credits on WomVegas and get more referrals in your downline.  Click here & click the link that says "City Chat Rooms". Then click on a city name. Then click on the link "Business Listings". Scroll down & click on a business listing. in the left margin, click the button labeled, "Tweet This"; then click "Tweet". I just Tweeted 3 business listings this way, and got 38,072 credits and 10 surf credits in about 15 seconds. If someone clicks on your Tweet, you get even more benefits. You should consider setting this up as a home page on your  browser & do at least one Tweet each day.

14. Here's a great way to get backlinks from a site that gets more traffic than 99.97% of all websites according to "Backlinks" are links back to a webpage you want to promote. Backlinks bring in visitors and help you rank higher on the Search Engines.

15.  Get a Free Business Listing here.  You can get a free business listing for each business you have ... Add your online business in the city where you live, and if you have an offline business, add a free business listing for each location.

16.  Click here & submit Tweets to build your WomVegas downline and to get advertising points!

17.  Here is another program I highly recommend. In building your Topaz income, leads are critical to your success. This stealth software generates 1000's of email leads automatically.

More recommended advertising resources
Get a FREE Ezine Marketing Ebook Here

Topaz Advertising Index

This section provides you quick links to your Topaz advertising links. Each month, you will receive credits for these programs. Simply click each link & submit your ads.